Introducing Dear Klairs | Gentle Black Sugar Facial Polish.
Pernah terpikir tak untuk gosok muka dengan gula?. Well, to me no never once cross my mind that sugar can make my face pretty-ier. As compared to salt, heard that thousand times. :) No kidding.
Thank you NattaCosme for giving me the opportunity to review this product and I have included Dear Klairs to my must-have-list and my hubs too. So let me do the honor to introduce to all of you readers about the product of the day.

Ingredients/ Bahan
1. Black Sugar / Gula Hitam
2. Cranberry Seed Oil / Minyak Biji Cranberry
3. Shea Butter / Mentega Shea
4. Blackhead Remover / Penghilang Bintik Hitam
Firstly, on the ingredients there are no chemicals at all - NOT tested on Animal, NO Paraben, NO alcohol, NO aritificial coloring. Maksudnya produk ini sangat selamat untuk digunakan ke atas kulit kita. Aku memang sangat mengutamakan produk yang menggunakan bahan semula jadi. eu naturale gitu. Tak pasti sama ada produk ini selamat untuk dimakan, tetapi rasa nya agak manis. I licked it out of curiosity -- coz one of the ingredient is sugar. haha.
Surprisingly for the texture is not hard on skin as I have used many types of scrub and trust me sometimes the after result is not so good and leave me feeling meh. Dengan Klairs, tak ada rasa macam gosok muka dengan kertas pasir dan tidak merengsakan kulit. Kiranya apa yang dikatakan benar-benar berkesan.
Kulit akan bertambah licin dan haluuusss.. I have seen many blogger blog about it and most of them saying the same.

Provided all the benefits,that is why i highly recommend all of you to try it out. Scrub should be applied once a week and consistent. No beauty without hardship and pain.

Ambil sedikit dan gosok pada muka selama beberapa minit. Tujuannya ialah supaya semua bahan dapat meresap kedalam kulit dan boleh menanggalkan black head/ bintik hitam. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. Do it on a weekly basis to get the best results.
Klik gambar untuk ke laman web.
As you can see, the price has been discounted from RM79.00 to only RM63.20 for 60g jar.
How cool and awesome is that?. Klik di sini untuk membeli -> Natta Cosme
What scrub are you currently using? Let me know below.