Mascara Issues ~ They're Real by Benefit Cosmetics

Ever since I started working, there will be a rare occasion where I will be applying mascara to my eyes. My previous job required me to sit the whole day in front of my laptop, drafting the sop, preparing the training slides and attending online meeting. Fast forward now, my current job is more to face new people everyday. Fun, yes very much!.

My case is on making eye contact.
That's why I need a new mascara. and probably a better one. 

Problems I have with mascara.
~ It causes my eyes to be itchy and teary. Pakai tak sampai 2-3 jam dah mula rasa gatal dan tak selesa.
~Menanggalkan bulu mata terutamanya bagi yang jenis waterproof. The flakes tends to enter my eyes and redness will appear. 
~ Still smudge even it claims smudge proof or waterproof. Pakai banyak lapisan mata terasa berat.
~Kena letak banyak lapisan barulah dapat hasil yang diingini, dan sudah nya nampak comot. In fact most of the mascara I have tried the end results will be not natural looking at all.

This mascara I got when I purchased the Beauty Score Promotion box by Benefit Cosmetics. So mine is the mini version :) . At least I got to try it first rather than spending a fortune on the mascara that I don't like. Tho is wish the price is slightly lower, MYR 90 maybe I bit pricy especially those who only wear it to special occasion. Anyway, I have tried this mascara for more than a month now I would say yes to the facts claimed below:
They're real! lengthens, curls, volumizes, lifts & separates. Our jet black, long-wearing formula won’t smudge or dry out. A specially designed brush reveals lashes you never knew you had!
What else you need to know:
94% saw dramatic length & volume*
90% saw base-to-tip curl*
94% saw visible lift*
100% saw long-wearing results*
*Results observed in a consumer panel survey                                       Benefits Cosmetics
Secara kesuluruhan aku sangat berpuas hati dengan mascara ini sebab mata tak rasa gatal dan merah walaupun aku pakai lebih 8 jam. Waktu cuci pun tak ada bulu mata yang tertanggal macam sebelum ini. Dah la bulu mata jarang, jadi setiap helai amatlah berharga. Haha. Bulu mata nampak lebih tebal dan panjang walaupun cuma 1 lapisan.

This is seriously no joke. See it for yourself how does the mascara works my eyelashes. I am not a pro in doing make up but it is amazing!. I am not wearing any eyeliner to show you the results that you can achieve with only They're Real Mascara itself.

Seperti gambar di atas, aku cuma pakai 1 lapisan (applied 1coat) pada bulu mata. Kalau nak efek yang lebih dramatic, boleh lah tunggu lapisan pertama kering , kemudian pakai lapisan ke 2 dan seterusnya. Walaupun tanpa eye-liner, mata dah nampak segar, cantik dan ceria. haha :)

 I am loving how the mascara makes my eyes look bigger while lashes look longer, thicker and fuller. So now making eye contact is no longer a problem!.

My Rating 
4.8 / 5

Product: Benefit They're Real! Mascara
Price:  MYR90 (8.5g/0.3 oz)
Where to buy: Benefits Cosmetics Oulet / Sephora.


  1. i know i knoww! setuju! the best mascara ever. hands down!! sebab rasa sayang tak boleh slalu guna i pun memang slalu beli dekat sephora yang deluxe size tu je huhu

    Najlaa 'Aqilah

  2. kalau yui pakia ni nnti bulu mata yui trus tutup mata..hihih

  3. pun jenis tak reti nak pakai mscara. beli2 lepas tu keras macam tu sebab xmampu nak pakai dengan konsisten. hahahahaa

  4. I used to buy mascara, but rarely use it so usually it ends up in the dustbin.

  5. sy lah tu jarang2 guna. kalau rajin je. hehehe. plus sebab bulu mata jenis yg lebat kalau guna mascara takdenya nampak lite2 je.. :D

  6. btol2 kebanyakkan mascara terlalu nampak fake ..tebal dan mula gatal n jugak susah nak cuci.. tapi bila Liza ckp pasal mascara dari benefit ni. macam kena beli dan cuba sendiri. thanks untuk info

    1. welcome dear :) itulah kan.. selalu je dapat yang tak kena dengan taste. Ada tu sampai tercabut bulu mata bila nak cuci. Licha suggest beli yang pakej combo/promotion dari benefit. Jimat sikit lepas tu dapat banyak2 barang :)

  7. thanks for sharing...saya pulak tak minat nak pakai maskara...tak berani pon ye gak...hihi

    1. mesti risau tercucuk mata kan?.hihi.
      tapi memang kena berhati-hati sebab kalau orang yang matanya sensitif senang kena alergik
